TypePad News: Five Days of TypePad
Starting today [monday], we'll begin presenting some in-depth information about TypePad, including detailed descriptions of major features, additional screenshots and a number of ideas that inspired our development of the service. We'll conclude this week with a full feature list, pricing chart and information about TypePad's upcoming launch.
You must check this out. :) These are the features discussed so far, with my comments.
- Template Builder is so much fun to work with. It makes changing your design a snap, without learning CSS at all. Click on a color and pick a font, and poof! Adding designs is so easy that for the first while I was beta testing, I changed it virtually every day!! :) (see kdlb's screenshots for some of the versions I've used.)
- Moblogging: since I don't have a mobile device to blog from yet, I haven't tried any of these features out, but I think it will be a big hit.
- Photo Albums are amazing. Simply wonderful, with an interface for uploading more than one image and adding descriptions that makes me never want to do it manually again. I do believe that I would much rather use TP for my photoblog because of how easy it is than my Blogstyles tutorial. (see Mena's photo album of the new SixApart office. Man, if I could work anywhere, it would be there!!!!! I'd even put together chairs for them ;) )
- TypeLists make it so easy to add lists of blogs, books, music, or whatever you want to your site. Showing media that you are currently enjoying on your sidebar is a snap. Adding people to your blogroll is so easy when they use FOAF or a TypePad weblog, because you paste in their URL and it automatically fills in all of their details. You can even add a link to your blog to make it easy for people to link to you (see Brenna's Add to my TypePad People list.)
I can't wait to see what they feature tomorrow. I've got a few other things that I love about TypePad that I'd love to talk about, but I'll wait until after the last of the Five Days of TypePad.
Cross posted to my kadyellebee blog...