Robot Chicken is a hilarious show. I guess E and I are just the right age to laugh at these jokes. Admittedly, we don't get them all, but many of them are so funny that I almost cry laughing.
I mainly started watching because of Seth Green. I think he's great, and not just because he was on Buffy. That helps though, I'm a true whedonesquer apparently with my fangirlyness of every alumni of his shows. I digress... We started tivo-ing maybe a month ago?
This weekend, one of the skits was the cast of Final Fantasy VII working at a burger joint. Seeing that description on the tivo made me laugh because I just finished FF7 last month. (yes, really, I know it's an old game, but it's one of E's favorites, and I had to play with the expectation of the Advent Children movie coming out).
So when looking at how I could test out YouTube, of course I had to search for this skit. OMG, it's even funnier rewatching when I'm not sitting there trying to stop laughing quick enough to see what's going on. :D E said afterwards that only people who have played the game would really enjoy it, and he's right, but there are a lot of geeks on Comet now, so maybe some of you would giggle at the idea of this too.