I finished up my scarf over the weekend and even went and got more yarn!
As I was getting further into doing it (see also Adventures in Knitting), I was less excited about how it feels. With my scarf I bought at the end of the winter last year from Lane Bryant, I was happy playing with it and touching it. This one just wasn't very soft yarn, and so even though it looks really pretty, it will not be my favorite ever. That being said, this was really easy yarn to work with, and I could see every stitch nicely, so that make it perfect for my first attempt. (Red Heart Super Saver in 0315 Artist Print)
Here are some "in process" shots:
The scarf ended up being 99" long without the fringe on the bottom. I wanted to be sure I had enough for fringe, and so that's why I stopped where I did. I love the color, that turned out so nice with the varigated colors.
I probably could have done more fringe.
And there's one row that I messed up a little, just half of the row, and I didn't notice it until 2 rows later. I'm calling that my "dancing with the stars" row because It's all Mario's fault that I was watching him instead of keeping track of my knit/purl combo :D It's not super noticable though, so it's okay.
I'm pretty proud of myself for finishing my first project. Not bad for only knitting for only a couple of weeks.
My next project is going to be a softer scarf. I know, that's repetitive, but I think it's going to make me happier to have a scarf I'm really super happy with showing off. Basically, I went to the store and touched every yarn with the intention of finding one that was nicer to the touch :D E helped, he loves my newfound craftyness and having to go to JoAnn Fabrics so often ;) I'm testing out a few different stitch combos to see if I can do something more creative this time around. (i've tried probably 4 or 5 diff things in the last few days and haven't picked yet.) I bought two different yarns, one that I'm going to use for a scarf and I'm not sure what I'll do with the other yet. The first is Lion Brand Homespun in Barrington (this is the one I'm using first - a nice purpley color, a bit deeper than the first scarf). The second is Bernat Soft Boucle in Forest Shades. Both are SUPER soft. They won't be *as* easy to knit because it looks like it will be harder to see each stitch with the interesting texture of the yarn.
You might also get a kick out of my "yarn bowl" picture - we had this larger tupperware bowl upstairs with leftover halloween candy, and my yarn kept falling in it. So now it's the official yarn bowl. :D