When do you start your holiday shopping?
Submitted by Murphy.
I am usually looking for presents all year round. With a big family, that's very important. That backfired on me this year with a change in how we are giving gifts, and now I have a few that will have to wait for many months for another event to give the ones I'd already purchased out.
So I actually don't have any of my gifts yet, unfortunately. I've got a few ideas, and I'll be browsing the online sites for real concrete ideas today and the rest of the weekend. I will *not* be out braving the crowds today, no way, no how! It was bad enough last weekend in the mall, the sales people literally jump at you trying to get you to buy stuff. So if I do go to the store for the next few months, it will be with a specific purpose in mind and finding the most direct route to that object as possible!
I usually do shop online anyhow, so that makes the holiday crowds a little less of a worry :) Amazon is one of my favorite places to look!