One of my recent knitting/crafty projects was for the Library. I've talked a little bit over the last month or so about joining the Friends of the Library group - it's a group of people who do things to support our local library system. One of the first projects I participated on was as a coordinator for baskets full of donated goods that were going to be auctioned off for fund raising. I made a pair of slippers to donate before I joined, and then worked on a doll blanket, and turning everything into pretty cohesive baskets.
All together, there were 4 baskets, and 2 of them had knitted goods in them (doll blanket and pig that one of the other ladies knitted in the "Fun at Grandma's House" basket, and my slippers and a crocheted blanket from one of the other ladies in the "Relaxation" basket). So many people donated stuff for them that they were really a labor of love from the whole group. And plus, they turned out really pretty, and I'm hoping they will raise a nice amount of money for the library. :)